Top Tips for Staying Safe

The following guidelines have been formulated by the Chairman to ensure, as far as possible, the safety of club members, event participants and the general public during club training runs and club races.


All club members must take personal responsibility for their own safety, while being aware of others running in the same group. Consideration should be given to others, and common sense used. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.


Safety Rules and Guidelines

  • The use of headphones of any type are prohibited at all club races or training sessions, no exceptions.

  • Always be mindful of other road users, including pedestrians and remember the highway code and to share the road

  • Always adhere to the highway code when running on the road

  • When running on the road, no more than two abreast and single file if necessary (refer to Running on Roads Guidelines below)

  • Avoid overtaking other runners on the road if there’s traffic coming (refer to Running on Roads Guidelines below)

  • Allow faster runners off first on busy roads to avoid unnecessary overtaking

  • Alert people that you intend to overtake

  • Avoid congregating on corners or at junctions between training efforts

  • Club training sessions during the dark must be run in well-lit areas for obvious safety reasons; reflective vests/ apparel must be worn.(refer to Running in the Dark Guidelines below)

  • Run in groups whenever possible. If your group becomes splintered check your colleague has finished safely. (We leave no one out there!)

  • Let family/friends know your running plans, including route and expected duration

  • Wherever practical one of your group carries a Mobile Phone

  • Dress appropriately for the weather conditions

  • All sessions, will take place on public road or land, private roads / land with public access or with owner / tenant permission.

  • When attending any club event, including training sessions, members are declaring themselves fit to run.

Running in the Dark Guidelines

When running as a group during periods of low visibility (including foggy conditions), club members should run in light coloured / reflective clothing and illumination is recommended. It is the responsibility of the individual to provide these items. A light is useful to reduce tripping over uneven ground and increases a runner’s visibility to drivers and other pedestrians. Reflective vests are essential. The guidelines should also be taken as advice to all members while running alone, for personal safety.

Running on Roads Guidelines

When running on road adhere to the Highway Code.

Where a footpath or sidewalk is available it is advised to use that, and remove yourself from the road. Routes shall be planned to avoid unlit roads during hours of darkness, and to avoid roads with a high volume of fast moving traffic. It is the individual responsibility of all club members to make sure that they cross roads at safe, highly visible places.

As safety is of upmost importance to the club, these guidelines will be implemented at every run. Members are advised that running in an unsafe manner will not be accepted by the club at any time.

Event / session organisers, should consider the advisability and practicalities of placing signage warning of runners in roads!  It is appreciated this may be impractical in many instances.

These guidelines should also be taken as advice to all members while running alone.

Remember your actions and behaviours when running reflect on Devizes Running Club.

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